Children's Programs
Forsyth Public Library is focused on providing all ages and stages of children and teens with engaging programming opportunities. Our monthly programming calendar is available here.
Looking to register for a program? Click here to find our Children's Programs registration on EventBrite.

Graphic Novel Book Club
Meets the Fourth Thursday of the Month at 4:30 PM.
Calling all graphic novel fans! Kids ages are invited to join our newest monthly book club focused solely on graphic novels. Copies of that month's book club selection will be available at the library for all registered attendees. Please pick up that month's selected book at least one week before Book Club so you have time to read and enjoy the graphic novel before we meet.
Registration is required. To register, please call the library at 217-877-8174 or register online

Baby Talk
BabyTALK Times are small parent-child gatherings designed for families with children from birth to three to share parenting questions and concerns, to celebrate babies' achievements, and to have fun with books, toys, songs, and fingerplays. BabyTALK Times are held in the Community Room.
No registration required.

Story Time with Miss Kelsey
Story Time is back for its fall session! Beginning on Friday, September 6, and continuing every Friday through November 22 at 10 AM, kids are invited for stories and fun with our new children's librarian, Miss Kelsey. Story Time is designed for kiddos ages 2-5 and siblings are welcome to join in! No registration is required for this program.
No registration required.

Kids' Cross-Stitch Club
Join Miss Kelsey for our monthly Kids' Cross-Stitch Club where kids 10 - 14 can learn the basics of this easy and fun craft while making new friends!
Registration is required. Sign up on Eventbrite or by calling the library at 217-877-8174.

Pokemon Club
Join us for EVERYTHING Pokemon! Show off your favorite cards, play Pokemon Go and share all you know about Pokemon with new friends.
Registration is required. Sign up on Eventbrite or by calling the library at 217-877-8174.

Art Classes
Throughout the year, FPL offers a wide range of art classes geared toward adults. These include everything from pottery painting, resin art, painting with watercolors, crocheting, paper-folding and so much more. See our monthly calendar for the latest offerings!
Registration is required. Sign up on Eventbrite or by calling the library at 217-877-8174.

Saturday Drop In Programs
Check the calendar for the latest Saturday Drop In events. These can include everything from making friendship bracelets and designing backpack buttons to taste testing international candies and playing family-friendly board games. All Saturday Drop In programs are held from 10 AM - 12 PM.
Registration is not required.

Take & Make Craft Kits
Once you finish checking out your books, be sure to grab one of our monthly kids' take & make craft kits to create and enjoy at home! Kits are available while supplies last.