Library of Things
There's more to check out than just books at Forsyth Public Library! Our offerings include:
Roku Streaming Sticks
Want to expand your entertainment options? Check out one of our Roku Streaming Sticks. Each Roku is subscribed to a different streaming service, which gives you access to high quality viewing options by connecting the Roku to your home Wi-Fi. FPL has 6 Roku Sticks available at this time:
Disney+ & Hulu
Apple TV
Paramount+ & Peacock
Roku Streaming Sticks may be checked out for 1 week at a time with a limit of 1 per household. There are no renewals at this time, and we kindly ask that you bring your Roku inside the library to return it.

Pickleball Racket Kits
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the country and Forsyth Park has dedicated pickleball courts for you to use. Swing by and grab a kit that includes two rackets and two pickleballs to get started today. Pickleball kits may be checked out for 1 week.

Disc Golf Kits
Are you ready to try Disc Golf? Check out a kit today and head to Forsyth Park to get started on your next Disc Golf adventure. Disc Golf kits may be checked out for 1 week.

If you are a fan of our puzzle table in the Coffee Bar area, be sure to take a look at our entire puzzle collection. You can borrow a jigsaw puzzle to take home and enjoy, and then come swap it out for a new favorite when you finish it up. Puzzles may be checked out for 1 week.